Course Description: Canine Obedience is a 5 week course for individuals who have never attended a basic obedience class before, for dogs who need a refresher, or for those who need some practice focusing around a group of other dogs and people. Class will meet once a week for 1 hour. Andi will be working closely with each owner and dog pair to discover the best way for them to be successful as a team. The class will provide owners with the knowledge to teach their dog the obedience cues that all dogs should know—more specifically: focus, sit, down, stay/wait, down/off, leave it, drop it, recall, and loose leash. If time allows she will also show the steps to teaching your dog how to do some fun tricks or advanced obedience techniques.
Requirements: All dog must be current on vaccinations. This information must be provided on the first day of class. The following vaccines must be current:
• Distemper/Parvo/Adeno-2 • Rabies
Registration: Closes one week prior to class or when the limit is reached. The $100.00 registration fee is nonrefundable. (If you are unable to attend scheduled class time, make up sessions are $20 each.)
Owner Name*
Your Email*
Your Address*
Vet/Clinic Name*
Does your puppy have any health issues?
Is your Dog on any type of medication?* YesNo
If yes, what is it for?
Dog's name?*
Dog's Age?*
What is your dogs gender? MaleFemale
Is your dog spayed or neutered?*
Dog's Beed(s)?*
Dog's Color?*
Please list any specific goals you wish to accomplish through taking this class*
Don't forget to make a $100 payment to your PetExec account for your training fees. If you do not yet have a PetExec account, click here to create one. Otherwise, click here to login and make a payment.
Waiver, Agreement & Assumption of Risk: I understand that attending a dog training class is not without risk to me, my dog or members of my family and/or guests who may attend with me because some of the dogs to which I may be exposed to may be difficult to control and may be the cause of injury. I hereby waive and release Andi Nault, volunteer instructors, and the Dog Den from any and all liability of any nature, for injury or damage which myself or my dog may suffer, including specifically, but not limited to, any injury or damage resulting from the action of any dog, including my own and I expressly assume the risk of any such damage or injury while attending any training session and while on the grounds of the Dog Den. I Agree
Photo Release Consent: I give permission for Dog Den and/or Andi Christine Nault to use photographs of me, my family, or my dog(s) for the Dog Den web page and/or Facebook pages. I understand that I will not be compensated in any way for these images. I Agree